This is the complete plug and play solution for adding a Bluetooth compatible analyzer to your Continental flex-fuel sensor.
All of our Bluetooth Ethanol Analyzers now include the optional 0-5V analog output or 50-150hz raw signal output in the same unit!
*Note: Fuel-It! analyzers are NOT compatible with DSX flex fuel kits.
Includes 0-5 volt linear output
0 volts = 0% ethanol
1 volt = 20% ethanol
2 volts = 40% ethanol
3 volts = 60% ethanol
Includes 0.5-4.5 volt linear output
.5 volts = 0% ethanol
1.5 volts = 25% ethanol
2.5 volts = 50% ethanol
3.5 volts = 75% ethanol
Includes 50-150 raw signal linear output directly from the ethanol sensor
50hz = 0% ethanol
60hz = 10% ethanol
70hz = 20% ethanol
80hz = 30% ethanol
All analyzer options include:
Bluetooth output, 0-5 volt analog output, and 50-150hz raw signal output
Electrical connections for power and ground
Fuel-It! analyzer that plugs directly into the following ethanol sensors:
Continental/GM/AC Delco Part #'s
Note: This is also compatible with the sensor part # 12570260 but it requires the optional adapter.
Recommended Options:
- Continental ethanol sensor
- Fuel-It! custom 3/8" Cam-Lock fitting with -6an push-on style fittings or socketless compatible hose.
* To use our Bluetooth feature an additional 3rd party app for your Android or Apple phone must be downloaded and can be found here:
- If you are using an Apple product the app can be found by clicking here
- If you are using an Android product the app can be found by clicking here
+ Flex-Fuel sensor, fittings, and fuel lines sold separately.