If you're running E85 or ethanol mixes in your Mercedes C43 AMG, you need this kit!
Know your exact ethanol content in real-time via the Fuel-It! or JB4 app on your smartphone or tablet.
This is a complete plug and play kit to install a Bluetooth ethanol sensor in about 15 minutes. (Check compatibility for your platform below)
The kit includes the following:
- New 5/16" E85 compatible fuel lines and fittings for your engine bay
- Genuine Continental ethanol sensor
- Fuel-It! Bluetooth analyzer
Includes both Bluetooth App & 5v analog output for JB4 or flash tuning
- Bluetooth (iPhone or Android app must be downloaded to use this feature)
- If you are using an Apple product the app can be found by clicking here
- If you are using an Android product the app can be found by clicking here
This kit is compatible with the following
- Mercedes Gen C43 AMG 2014 ~ 2021
*For the Mercedes JB4 platform connect the white wire to position #16 on the JB4 25 pin harness. Select WMI Ethanol Setup option 1 to enable pin location 15/16 flex fuel input.